The professional young woman has a unique set of life circumstances. Kat Armstrong wants her to know the Gospel of Jesus fits right there in the midst of them. However many professional women in their 20s and 30s are deciding church doesn't have a place for them. Polished is an outreach Kat helped found to gather young professional women with the idea of introducing them to the Gospel and to a local church.
In this episode we'll hear about Kat's process as she co-founded Polished with her friend Stephanie Giddons, how it has grown from an initial chapter to multiple sites, what it takes to start a new chapter and why they work so hard to make it all happen.
Kat is a mom, a pastor's wife and a passionate ambassador for Jesus right where she is. A world changer for good we like to call it around here at the sisterhood. Won't you listen to this episode? We are certain you will fall smitten with Kat, just as we were when we interviewed her. She is articulate, passionate and resourceful. This is an episode for any woman who cares that the women around her know God's love.