Whether you are homeschooling or part-time schooling this year, chances are you need to re-purpose a space in your home to accommodate the needs of your children and family.
In this episode Krista Gilbert, a professional home coach, breaks down how to get creative about space, and how to make your home work for you in this season of COVID and life. We discuss creative ways to think about the spaces you already have, the questions to ask, and how to actually set up a space that will work for school.
As a bonus, Krista also gives her best tips and ideas for homeschooling, giving practical resources and hacks that will make your schooling experience more enjoyable this year.
Tune in families – you need this one!
101 Things Every Girl Should Know
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Rosetta Stone Spanish Program for Kids
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It's back to school time. But likely this year school is looking a little different for your family. If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of families doing school part-time or full-time at home, we've got some ideas for you. Seasoned homeschool moms Katie Westenberg and Erica from My Busy Bees and Me lead us through some of their best approaches to school and family 24/7.
The word of the day for moms doing school at home is freedom. That may seem counterintuitive given the fact we feel trapped at home, but we can have flexibility in how we approach everything from schedule to curriculum. We hear how Erica and Katie maneuver that fine line between teacher and mom, the books they like to read aloud to their kids, and the benefits they see to doing school together as a family.
Whether you are taking the educational lead as homeschool mom for the year or you are working with your children's teachers around online school, this interview will remind you that you can do new and brave things. You will be setting the tone for school at home in your house and your kids need you at your best. So put on your seatbelt mom, it's back to school time COVID style!
Are you deciding whether to stay at a job or find something new? In this episode Krista and Alex shoot straight about what questions to ask and what you might want to consider as you make your choice.
The last episode in the Work Flip series, they also discuss how COVID19 has impacted their work lives, how narrowing margins push toward innovation, and ten ideas for quick cash.
If you are wrestling with your work life, this whole series is for you!
Round Top Texas is known for two things: The Texas Antique Show and pies. Tara Royer Steele is the owner of the Pie Haven and when the pandemic shut down the annual spring antique show that typically sustains her pie shop for the next six months, she knew things had to change. Enter the creativity that constraints offer. Tara did a pivot on her pie business and found herself working in ways she never felt she had time to try before.
Tara is a real woman, a "street level" kind of Texas gal, that tells it honestly. We talk about how to get honest feedback from those around us, what it looks like to talk money decisions with a spouse, and how a "no" isn't necessarily an indication that a dream shouldn't be pursued, it might just mean an adjustment is needed. Tara shares about real life scheduling pivots, working to keep employees paid, and using what she had, a commercial kitchen and a community reputation, to build a new arm to her business when things could have been described as bleak.
If you are wondering if now is the time to make a change in your work life, if you are dreaming about something new, if you are finding some of the pandemic parameters might actually be opportunities, this is the episode for you.