Jam packed with practical ideas, professional organizer Lisa Trigsted shares with the sisterhood her best tips on stuff management for a family. Known on social media as Neat Freak Mckinney, Lisa shares her simple yet life changing tactics for families who are swimming in stuff.
So what does Lisa suggest? First, edit out the extra things. Then maintain new organizing systems with a weekly reset. These simple tactics can change how your family manages and relates to stuff. Once organized Lisa encourages listeners to challenge themselves to a spending freeze and eventually incorporating the one-in-one-out rule.
We spend a good part of the conversation covering how to get family members on board with an organizing plan and how to tackle big projects and maintenance as a team. Lisa understands the real-life challenges moms have in keeping a space organized and doesn't shy away from the "but how?" questions. You will feel absolutely inspired and empowered to tackle that stack of papers or overstuffed closet after listening to this episode. So go ahead and push play for your next dose of our series on Spring Refresh.