Author Emily Freeman was paralyzed by a decision. Not because the consequences were dire, but because both options were relatively good. The weight she carried around from her unmade decision made her examine the process. This is where The Next Right Thing podcast, and now book, were birthed. A decision making framework that focuses less on the decision itself, and more on how it is made.
When making a decision most of us lead with our head, heart, or intuition. Each of these approaches presents unique strengths and challenges in the decision making process. Most of us deal with input clutter, but don't have a regular source of output. Silence, solitude, and stillness can offer intentional output if we remember God's presence with us in them.
No wonder Emily's podcast and new book are so popular! We all suffer from some level of decision fatigue. You will be affirmed and reminded that every large decision is made up of many small ones. When overwhelmed with the task in front of us, sometimes the best thing is to zero in on the next right thing and do that.