"On the other side of our fear is our purpose."
Founder of the socially conscious fashion brand Noonday Collection, Jessica Honegger is a world changer by anyone's standards. Though she has a built a business from scratch, she doesn't always feel brave. Quite the opposite, she feels scared. But she does whatever is set in front of her anyway. This is where Imperfect Courage comes in. Jessica is on a charge to remind women that courage involves doing it scared.
In this unforgettable interview we hear how Jessica's parents shaped her, why she walked away from debutante life, her motivation for starting Noonday Collection, and how she recently got featured in Forbes. Jessica's energy inescapable. Her honesty is refreshing. And her challenge to all of us to do the thing in front of us scared is inspiring. Jessica has the stories in her own journey to back the charge to cheer each other on while not allowing fear to have the last word.
If you want more of the values of the sisterhood - rooting for other women, taking that next step, doing that hard thing, being world changers for good right where we are, you will not be disappointed with this interview. It could not epitomize The Open Door Sisterhood more! .