In week two of our series, The Brain Game, we are exploring the neuroscience of thinking on the good and wonderful. For many of us this is not our natural state of mind. We prepare ourselves for the worst and wait for the proverbial “shoe to drop.”
But what if we did the exact opposite of that? What if we instead expect the good and hold the posture of positive anticipation? Nicole Zasowski, a marriage and family therapist, joins us to explore practices such as thankfulness, celebrating others, savoring, and honest communication.
This episode will help change your mindset and in doing so, may alter the way you live your life.
Connect with Nicole on her website or Instagram
Nicole’s Book What If It’s Wonderful?
The Hedonic Treadmill – what it is
Winning the War of Your Mind by Craig Groschel
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
Brene Brown: Why joy is vulnerable – On Foreboding Joy
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We believe the goal of therapy is to increase both psychological and spiritual wholeness, and this can only be accomplished in an appropriate environment.
We have also seen proven success in the affordability and convenience of online mental counseling. By bringing together a network of professional counselors who are practicing Christians online, we see unprecedented opportunity to help believers access the help they need, when and how they can best receive it.