Catherine McNiel found herself in the middle of mothering. Pregnant, with two small children already underfoot, she was forced to tackle the question, what happens to a mom's spiritual journey? Do exhaustion and distraction prevent mothers everywhere from having a deep and meaningful spiritual life? Or does God perhaps have a rich spiritual journey available to moms right here and now?
In her book Long Days of Small Things, Catherine tackles this question by discovering the spiritual disciplines already built into a mother's days. She shares some of those practices with us on this episode of The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast, (along with her favorite apps and go-to drink.) An encouraging conversation for any mom who has ever wondered, can I connect with God during these minutes, days, years of caring for small people and living in the middle of the mundane?
A great episode to share with your mama friends and to take this episode with you as you complete your everyday, not-so-glamorous, tasks. A conversation for the laundry folding, swim team driving, kitchen sweeping activities. Because these small moments are the doors that God has opened for us, and no door is too small, or too insignificant, for his purposes.