Culture is talking about sex. The music and movie industry is talking about sex -- all.the.time. Is the church? Are we communicating enough about what healthy sex looks like in marriage? Real-life sex, not just how it is portrayed on the silver screen.
Do men have a greater sex drive than women? What is mutual sex? How is pornography affecting the marriage bed? How do we have honest conversations with our spouse about this topic? What is the deal with the 50 Shades craze? Krista covers all of this and more with guest Dorothy Greco.
Dorothy Littell Greco is a photographer, writer, and author. She writes on how following Jesus changes everything in places such as Christianity Today and Relevant Magazine. Her first book, Making Marriage Beautiful, was released at the beginning of 2017.
Listen in on our conversation today about how to improve sex in marriage in order to breathe new life into our primary relationship.