High school senior year is a special time for teens and for their parents. For many moms, the beginning of senior year means the beginning of the lasts. There is some grief there. How do we balance the end of one phase of a young person's life with the celebration of this transition? Both Krista and Alex just finished a senior year and they invited their friend Courtney DeFeo to talk about her experience facing her first senior year as a mom.
This episode touches on topics like college deadlines, getting a job, and navigating parties and substances. From prom to graduation, there are so many special markers of transitioning out of the childhood school years and into adulthood. We cover how each one of us tries to be open with ongoing communication with our children, setting boundaries, and being realistic about the challenges they may face. They also highlight the need to tailor experiences and celebrations to each child's preferences and personality.
Courtney DeFeo is the host of the Pardon the Mess podcast and lives in the Dallas area with her husband Ron and their two high school-aged daughters. We know you'll appreciate her honesty and sense of humor as she approaches what can be a scary time for a mom.
Courtney Defeo's - Website and Instagram
Podcast: Pardon the Mess
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