As we head out of the holiday season and into the new year, we may be tempted to swing from extremes when it comes to food. We've enjoyed more than we should and now we are going to focus on rigidity. Tilly Dillehay challenges us to examine our relationship with food and our own tendencies that take us away from God's good intent: to enjoy the gift of food for the flourishing of our bodies and relationships.
Tilly talks about "four poles" of extremes and how we can shift our mindsets away from extremes toward health. As a woman who struggled with an eating disorder for years, Tilly knows how food can be used as an exterior control tool for inner turmoil. Her solution to a healthy approach to food is grace and relationships. When we seek more of who God is and his purposes here on earth, we become less obsessed with food and more likely to enjoy and use it with a healthy lens.
This isn't a conversation about how to lose the COVID-20 you gained in 2020 or how to cook with a calorie count in mind, it is a step back that asks What was God's intent with food in the first place? And how can I experience his goodness through meals with others?