What is Advent? And how do we celebrate it? Co-hosts Krista and Alex dive into the purpose behind the season and how marking this sacred preparation time as a family can be significant. Whether warm fuzzy childhood feelings come when considering this time of year, or uncertainty about what exactly we're talking about, this episode is for you.
The themes of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace are big concepts and family Advent devotionals can feel overwhelming in an already busy time of year. The simple Advent wreath (or log) can offer a tangible reminder of these ideas and point to why they are significant during Christmas. Alex and Krista offer some other practical applications for families in how to incorporate these larger themes into the weeks ahead. Whether an internal transformation or an external demonstration, let the themes of Advent be a guide for how to spend this holiday season.
Don't let Advent pass you by this year. Make a plan for how to usher in Christmas with a preparation of the heart. We trust this episode will give you a little inspiration and practical help in that direction.