Food and fitness can be tricky. We often find ourselves on either end of the extreme spectrum: too strict and obsessed, or undisciplined and out of control. The relationship we develop with our bodies matter, and it's important we give this aspect of health the time and attention it needs to be well.
To kick off our annual Healthy Way Series in 2019, Michelle Myers joins us to discuss how we can develop a healthy relationship with food by staying out of food jail, what it means to give morality to food, and how we can clean up our diet while still enjoying birthday cake on our child's birthday with no guilt.
We also dive into do-able fitness ideas that you can incorporate today into your busy lifestyle. Our bodies want to move, and we look at some creative ways to do just that.
As we stare down a New Year, most of us look to these two topics first, so let's tackle them together, and land in the healthiest place: the one called FREEDOM.