
Our Time to Rise

Together we are rising to meet life's challenges, seasons, opportunities, and changes with strength, courage, optimism, and faith. From the heavy and hard to the light-hearted and fun, popular podcast hosts and leadership mentors Krista Gilbert and Alexandra Kuykendall bring you honest and hopeful conversations for this moment in your life. We are intentional here. We are hopeful. We are courageous. We are honest. We are realistic. We are for each other. We are God fearing and Holy Spirit welcoming. We are joyful. We are generous. We are capable. We are rising together. It is our time to meet the moment. It is OUR TIME TO RISE.
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Our Time to Rise










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Now displaying: 2018
Jun 26, 2018

Do you ever wonder how the next generation is going to grow up with a healthy view of sexuality?  Do you struggle talking about sexuality yourself?  Sometimes we want to start conversations with those we love, but we just don't have the words.  On this podcast we dive into the important and vulnerable topic of healthy sexuality with honesty and candor.

Pastor and Pure Desire speaker Rodney Wright joins us to help clarify shame vs. guilt, what intimacy really is and how we move toward it in relationships, and how an understanding of neuroscience matters when it comes to pornography and addiction.  We also talk about why early intervention is critical, when a behavior is a problem rather than a pattern.

If you are a parent, you can't miss this episode.   But really, don't we all need it?  Any human who struggles in big or small ways in the area of healthy sexuality will benefit from this discussion.  Let's learn how to talk about this together and how we can foster helpful and faith-filled conversations in our homes and relationships.

Jun 19, 2018

Jamie Ivey is a woman on the go. Fellow mom of four, wife to worship pastor Aaron, creator and host of the very popular podcast, The Happy Hour With Jamie Ivey, it's no surprise she has lots of energy. She also has a refreshing honesty as she talks about her own journey, her struggles (both past and current), and her faith. There is no pretense here, simply a woman who shares her story so others can see Jesus in the redemption.

We laughed a good deal, we covered some tough stuff, and we get great podcast recommendations from the podcast master herself. From traveling for work, to grandparents stepping in, to her husband's cooking, to pornography, we cover A to Z and back again. No topic is off limits, no question too personal. An encouraging word on how to be a safe person for other women when they confess sin and loving God more than pleasing people.

The perfect episode to listen to as you go about your actual life. Part practical, part inspirational, Jamie is the quintessential sister. We think you'll agree that this is one conversation that will go down in sisterhood history as we talk about the freedom offered through Jesus alone.

Jun 12, 2018

S-U-M-M-E-R  T-I-M-E!  It's what we wait for all year long.  We often have high hopes and big dreams for our summer months, yet the reality of unscheduled days can hit hard.  If you have kids at home this summer and want some help figuring out how to do the daily schedule well, we're here to help.  Or if you want tips and ideas on what to read, what to eat, and what to wear this season, this episode is for you too!  

Krista and Alex tackle all things summer.  From designating a day of the week for baking, to the best porch swing to purchase, to how to get your kids off their screens, to the best bag for travel, they help you think through these fun and important months that break up the school year.  

Jun 5, 2018

What does it mean to be a woman of legacy? To have an impact beyond today? The Open Door Sisterhood is set to equip women to do just that, design a life that has an eternal imprint. And mother/daughter duo Jackie Green and Lauren Green McAfee, of the Hobby Lobby Green family, are on a similar mission to inspire women to think past today. Their new book Only One Life features women throughout history who have followed God's call to live with legacy in mind.

Our conversation with Jackie and Lauren covers stories from their own family and decisions to women featured in the book. We talk through generosity, specific callings, what is eternal, and how we can discern where God has placed us for influence. Nothing could reflect the spirit of The Open Door Sisterhood more than this conversation with two women walking through the doors God is opening to act as world changers right where they are.

From fighting busyness to the discipline of saying "no" we hear how these two women discern the opportunities in front of them. A multi-generational message that rings true no matter your stage of life, we can be sowing into what will last for eternity. An inspiring conversation that pushed us to once again consider this one life we've been given and how we are spending it.

May 30, 2018

Summer is the perfect time to break out the fishing poles, pop the tent, and hit the trails.  It's a chance to put the electronics away and open ourselves up to good conversation and creative thinking.  For the first time in Open Door history, Krista's husband, Erik, an avid outdoorsman, joins her to talk about camping, backpacking, and mountain climbing.

If you are wanting more connection with your family, if you are tired of feeling pulled apart or distracted by the pace of modern life, or if you want to break through barriers in a relationship with someone close, this may be one way to do that. 

Join in the conversation and be inspired to plan your next adventure in the outdoors!


May 22, 2018

Hannah Brencher didn't aim to create a global love letter writing campaign. A recent college graduate, she was living in New York City and feeling isolated. She realized writing letters to strangers helped her take her focus off of herself. In her struggle with depression, this focus switch helped her mental health. But when she started sharing about her letter writing, her services were requested and before she knew it people around the world were writing their own love letters.

In our conversation we hear Hannah's TED Talk story, what her parents said when she told them she was quitting her job to write letters, and how she met her now husband after ten days on a dating site. Hannah talks about her depression, how a major setback in her mental health prompted the writing of her second book, and how routines help her stay healthy. Hannah's story is almost unbelievable and yet it's real. One letter on a subway has turned into an international movement to encourage strangers through words.

Hannah tells a story about one letter campaign recipient who said the letters "restored his faith in humanity." If you are needing a little good news today, listen to this episode. It's about looking beyond ourselves to see the people right in front of us.

May 15, 2018

What if you could learn a tool that would change the way you communicate?  What if you could speak in a way that inspires action and change?  Would you be interested?  Us too.  That's why The Sisterhood invited Dr. John Trent to come on the show to talk about a time-tested communication tool:  word pictures.  Jesus used them, and as it turns out, so should we.

Word pictures help us convey our thoughts and feelings with clarity and honesty.  They help cut through confusion and misunderstandings, and convey love in ways that our family and friends will never forget. It's absolutely true.  Krista has tried this out already and it's working.  She believes this will forever change the way she communicates with others both personally and professionally.  Listen, learn, and then give it a try!

May 8, 2018

Shannon Polk is a modern day Renaissance woman. An attorney, a nonprofit consultant, and most recently an associate pastor, Shannon combines head work with heart work. We'll hear how Shannon lives an integrated life as pastor, wife, and mother, how her legal training impacts her ministry work, and how racial reconciliation plays out in her own church. From uncomfortable conversations about race to finding out from doctors that she would only have one child, Shannon's story is rich with pursuing God in every part of life.

At The Open Door Sisterhood we encourage women of faith to walk through the doors God is opening. Shannon has sometimes wondered about the timing, but has always trusted God's wisdom in making things happen when he has. Whether you are 40 and pregnant, a woman working with all men, a mom trying to maneuver work-home tensions, this interview has something for you.

We have a knack for spotting sisters from a distance. We're so glad we invited Shannon up to the mic, so we can learn from her story. Don't miss this interview. You'll be better for it.

May 1, 2018

We are committed to helping you with practical matters in your life here at The Sisterhood, so we like to offer suggestions and help on financial health, knowing that this is an important need.  As summer approaches, many of us dream of vacations and memorable experiences with our friends, family, and children, but the question must be answered:  how do we prepare for them financially?  My guest, Emily G. Stroud, helps us answer this question.  Offering helpful tips and ideas, Emily walks us through what it looks like in the budget to put a priority on special trips and experiences.

Along with vacation advice, Emily also offers tips on smart investing as we plan and prepare for the future.  While some of these aren't new concepts, they bear repeating, over and over and over again, because we all could use reminders on what is the wise way to handle our money.

Listen in and plan to do those FUN things with your people!

Apr 24, 2018

New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Bevere, joins The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast in a one of a kind interview. We talk about her newest book Adamant: Finding Truth in a Universe of Opinions. Lisa explains how she establishes fences (not walls) in her own life to ensure she has clarity of mind and purpose in pursuing God in a time in history where "anything goes" messages question the idea of absolute truth. Lisa explains why scripture is her foundation for clarifying confusion and finding comfort in trial.

A woman on the go, (like from continent to continent), Lisa must steady herself with good habits. We hear how she journals with Scripture, the Bible translations she prefers, the commentaries she goes to first, and her espresso habit. If you are a woman looking for inspiration to know God's word better and with more purpose, this episode is for you. Lisa inspires us to search for truth in God's own words rather than from memes and tweets.

God puts a longing for eternity in each of our hearts. We can look for answers and hope in news feeds or people, but Lisa claims we will always be disappointed. Our adamant, unchanging God is the only place we can go and find our longings fulfilled. Why not cut through the noise of our times, and search for hope in the one who does not change?

Apr 17, 2018

'Tis the season for....ORGANIZING!  Is anyone else getting the spring cleaning - throw it out - organize every drawer in the house- bug?  Us too.  That's why this week the sisterhood is hosting Morgan Tyree, a professional organizer, to talk about tips and tricks for organizing the various sections of our homes.  

This organization will help you in countless ways.  Not only will you know where things are and what you have, but you will also reclaim the peace of mind that comes from having an organized, functional space.  Because, after all, house clutter = mind clutter.  

Join us as we dive into this healthy seasonal rhythm of spring cleaning / organizing!

Apr 10, 2018

Sherri Crandall is a woman willing to walk through the doors God opens, even if she's not quite sure what's waiting for her on the other side. Her most recent move took her from a place she loved to a place God had been preparing for years. As doors have opened she has seen just enough of God's preparation to say "yes" and then has been surprised when looking back at the details he has woven together. Sherri is warm, welcoming, thoughtful and persistent. The kind of combination we can't get enough of at the sisterhood.

In this interview we talk about Sherri's job changes, her family, her son Spencer's country music career, her love for moms around the world and her relationship with Monica Rovira which unknowingly set her on the path where she is today (psst you can listen to our interview with Monica on Episode 41). You can hear Sherri's warmth shine through, her general positivity, and her desire to dream on others' behalf. From homemade spaghetti sauce to cheering on our kids and everything in between, you'll walk away with at least one good tip for your daily life.

Everyone deserves a friend like Sherri. Since we can't introduce her to all of you in person, we figure this is the next best place. Listen in and be encouraged sister. God prepares details before we understand or see them. Sherri will attest to that.

Apr 3, 2018

For the past several years, there's been a buzz about a self-assessment tool known as the Enneagram.  The purpose of it?  To know thyself.  It is a system of classifying personality types based on a nine-pointed starlike figure inscribed within a circle.  While it may seem the Enneagram suddenly surfaced into the milieu of culture, in fact it has been in existence for centuries.  If you've ever heard anyone say, "I'm a 2 with a 3 wing," or "That's such a 7 thing to do," chances are you've encountered Enneagram-devotees who have used it to further their self-discovery.

Suzanne Stabile is a highly sought-after Enneagram Master who has taught over 500 workshops worldwide.  She joins The Sisterhood to teach us the basics of this system:  the origin, what exactly it is, how we can use it in our individual lives, how it helps us in relationships, how to understand our motivations, and what it looks like to be healthy and unhealthy in our number.  We also address criticisms of the Enneagram and talk through how it differs from the other self-assessments out there.

If you are looking to understand yourself and others better, if you've heard about the Enneagram but can't get a handle on exactly what it is, or if you simply want to learn more about this helpful tool, you've come to the right episode.  Listen in and learn!

Mar 27, 2018

Karen Stott is the master at the work-life balance. Not afraid of the "b word", she sees balance as maintaining a healthy rhythm in her workload while knowing her own capacity. When she was building her photography business, Karen had a difficult time finding a support system that would encourage both work and family, so she started The Pursuit Community to help women entrepreneurs.

We gain some insight into Karen's approach by what she tells her children about completing a task: Do it with excellence, do it to completion, and do it with joy. If she can't meet those standards on an assignment, Karen takes a pass. We hear how camping is her husband's love language and how Karen is learning to speak it, why Voxer works as a work tool within a restricted work schedule, and what essential oils are her daily go-tos.

You won't want to miss this interview with a woman who truly is working to be a world changer right where she is and is giving other women the tools to do the same. If you are looking for some inspiration on how to reconnect with your husband or want to learn how to make your shower a diffuser for essential oils, tune in to our conversation with Karen Stott.

Mar 20, 2018

Some couples choose to be childless in our culture, but when this decision is not made by choice, it can be devastating.  Almost 5 million couples in the US experience infertility at some point in their marriage, and many more suffer miscarriages, or the loss of children.  Some singles who are moving beyond child-bearing years also mourn the idea that they will not get to experience biological parenthood.

Whether you or someone you know is navigating childlessness, this conversation with Chelsea Patterson Sobolik will be a ray of hope.  Receiving life-altering news at age 19,   Chelsea is no stranger to the deep pain that accompanies barrenness.  While her story may be different than yours, you will find the common threads of disappointment, struggle, grief, and sadness to be the same.

Krista also shares a personal story in this interview that became a defining moment in her life (caution: she cries more than she has in any other interview to date).

From her office on Capitol Hill, Chelsea provides some helpful resources for walking through childlessness, offers suggestions of what we can do to support foster care and adoption, and helps us know what NOT to say to a woman struggling with this issue.

Mar 13, 2018

Belle means beautiful in Latin, and that is exactly what Erin Weidemann is trying to help girls define.  Using women of the Bible, Erin has created a company whose mission is to teach girls about prayerfulness, patience, bravery, leadership, and loyalty.  The hope is that girls would not only learn about these women of faith, but would then adopt those traits and live them out in their daily lives.

Erin's enthusiasm is contagious, and her ideas brilliant.  She uses five women of the Bible (Hannah, Esther, Abigail, Ruth and Deborah), five traits, and five virtues to teach timeless character.  As a former teacher Erin incorporates language, visual elements and acronyms to help girls learn the practicals of traits like courage (see SHIELD acronym in the show notes). In fact it was her years of teaching that inspired her to consider how to teach her own daughter about the women of the Bible and Bible Belles was born.

Whether you are listening for your daughter or for yourself, you will walk away inspired to deepen your faith, character, and leadership. Because these women's stories and the virtues we learn from them span time, space and stage of life.

Mar 6, 2018

Sister, grab your teenage daughter and listen to this interview together. As the youngest guest to date on The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast, YouTube sensation Chelsea Crockett talks with host Krista Gilbert about everything from how she met her boyfriend (Twitter was involved), to how she started making YouTube videos, to what it's like living with over a million followers.

Beauty is at the center of Chelsea's message. She started her YouTube channel to share makeup tips with other girls and heard lots of questions with deeper undertones. This led to a book about beauty and what it means to pursue God's idea of beauty. A girl suddenly in the spotlight, Chelsea walks through both the inspirational and the practical in this sister interview.

For the woman who wants to better understand the teenage girl she loves to the one who just wants a good red lipstick tip, this episode will make you consider the influences in your life that shape your idea of beauty. You are loved sister. We know that you are made in God's image. His imprint is all over you. We hope this young woman, reminds you of that simple truth.

Feb 27, 2018

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by today's youth sports culture?  Do you wonder what to do when everyone else seems to have their children on club sports teams by age 8 or 10?  Have you ever considered whether or not to talk to a coach and how to best do that? Are you a coach who wants to make a difference in the lives of your players?  If so, this episode is just for you! 

Darcy McMurray has experience on all sides: she's been a player, a coach, a parent, and an child educator and advocate.  She deeply understands the psychology and benefit of team sports and how it can equip our children for life.  She also understands that it can be a harsh and unrelenting world to navigate.  Darcy argues that both aspects are beneficial in the long run in our kids' lives.  

We begin the interview covering positive coaching and team building strategies, then move into how to help our kids talk to their coach when there is a problem, and finish with parenting tips that help no matter what sport your child plays.

If you have a child in the world of sports, or if you are a coach, this is a must-listen!  

Feb 20, 2018

Alli Worthington has a mantra, “Show up. Be real. Love others. Don’t quit.” As a mom to five boys, wife, business coach, Director of Propel Women, an author and speaker, she was forced to face some fears when her husband became ill a few years ago. A woman who was juggling more than seems humanly possible was faced with the limitations of her very human reality.

As Alli faced her fears, she found there were some things she could do to manage them. She shares her wisdom with the sisterhood. Alli calls the things to avoid The Five Bad B’s: Busyness, Blame, Binge, Bury and Brood. But not to worry Alli also has the counterpart to what we should avoid: The Four Good A’s. These are Awareness, Avoid (the Bad B’s), Asking Jesus for help, and Attack the problem.

You won't be surprised that Alli is a seasoned business coach with a strategic approach to tackling problems. This conversation is the epitome of the sisterhood. Part practical and part inspirational, it's the perfect episode to help you get out of a winter rut.

Feb 13, 2018

It's our second annual Things We Love episode on The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast. In honor of Valentine's Day Alex and Krista want to give you some of their favorite things these days. From beauty products to books, cleaning hacks to podcasts, you'll see what's in their shopping carts and social media feeds.

This is a light-hearted episode that falls heavy on the practical end. But what do we truly love that we don't explicitly say on the show? YOU! We are grateful for God's provision to bring this community together and that you are interested in the part practical, part inspirational approach of the sisterhood. Let's continue the good work of encouraging each other in all areas of life so that we may walk through the doors God is opening.

If you liked this episode, but missed our first Things We Love episode, head over to Episode 45 to hear more things we love to have around. What are your favorites these days? Don't keep them to yourself, share in the comments below.

Feb 6, 2018

Maggie John enters Canada’s living rooms on a daily basis. As co-host of the country’s longest standing daytime talk show, 100 Huntley Street, she speaks words of hope to her audience that stretch from the Pacific to the Atlantic. As the first black host of the show, Maggie knows she is a trailblazer. But being in front of the camera is not what she originally set out to do. Her passion is story telling and so she was trained as a producer. In her current role she is able to pull out the details of guests’ stories from the interviewer’s chair.

In this interview, we hear how Maggie's taping days consist of hair, makeup and lots of wardrobe changes, but her ordinary is also trenched in the ordinary tasks of family life. From mental setbacks to her mother's Macaroni Pie recipe we cover it all. A great representation of the sisterhood, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.

From fashion style to interviewing Lecrae, to books that have had a deep impact on her, we are sure Maggie will capture your heart as she did ours. We could have kept the conversation going for hours. Don’t miss this engaging conversation as we put her on the other end of the questions and interview the seasoned interviewer.


Jan 30, 2018

This fifth and final episode of The Healthy Way series is with our sister of heart, Kristen Kill. A homeschooling mom to five Kristen knows the distractions of a busy life. Finding moments to care for her soul can feel like an impossible task. Kristen shares how she finds those pauses and how we can to, no matter our schedules or number of little people at home.

Spiritual health is an important part of who we are as people. It's not a luxury, but a necessity if we are to flourish. Because God made us more than physical beings, He gave us each a soul. It doesn't cost us anything but time to come to Him in our daily routines, and we can be confident God meets us in these moments. Kristen's new book, Finding Selah, helps us to meet Jesus in the midst of the mundane and marvelous. Our souls can be rejuvenated by the one who made them.

Whether you are needing a little inspiration in your spiritual life or overcome with with grief and desperation, God will meet you. We pray this episode offers some practical help as you take that next step and do that hard thing to get healthy in your spiritual life.

Jan 23, 2018

You won't want to miss this inspiring and practical conversation about getting healthy in relationships with one of today's leading voices on marriage and relationships. Gary Thomas offers the sisterhood some ways in which we can assess the health of our relationships and how we can move forward with people who are difficult for us to love. We hear how humility (thinking less about yourself) and righteousness (living according to God's agenda) impact the overall health of all relationships.

As we delve into getting healthy in relationships, we naturally uncover some difficult topics.  From pornography to domestic violence Gary offers next steps a listener can take in her family life. From responding to unhealthy people in a healthy way to pursuing holiness over happiness we hear how relationships are often uncomfortable. From parenting kids through hard moments to recognizing the abundant life is the obedient life we are reminded that we often must take the long view when thinking about relationships. There is much wisdom packed into a single hour.

This interview goes down as one of our favorites to date. Part practical, part inspirational, it reminds us of the need for healthy relationships and how God directs us toward them. You will find, as so many have, that Gary's voice is one of gentle and unwavering truth. 

Jan 16, 2018

Rachel Cruze has a plan for financial health. That's no surprise given she's the daughter of financial counselor to many, Dave Ramsey. Rachel is now grown, with her own family, talking to her peers about all things money and budget. Like her dad, she has lots of principles to guide money decisions and practical tips to make them a reality. We are sure you will find Rachel approachable and fun as we talk through a topic that can carry lots of dread.

From setting financial goals with your spouse to teaching kids about money, this episode is full of ideas you can implement today. We talk how expectations and comparison can impact our spending, why we need an emergency fund, and how to start paying off debt. No matter your financial position or current tax bracket, Rachel's strategies and advice ring true.

The third portion of our new year series The Healthy Way, Rachel is the perfect voice to be speaking to the sisterhood about getting healthy with money in 2018. A topic that can often feel dry or intimidating, Rachel makes us feel empowered to make small changes that will have big impact in years to come. Whether making a monthly budget or having a conversation with your spouse about debt, this episode of the podcast cheers you on. You can move toward financial health this year. We are here to help you take that next step and do this hard thing!

Jan 9, 2018

Kara Hicks is passionate about feeding her family well. And she's just as passionate about helping you do the same. Known on Instagram by the handle @kara_thewholemomma, she offers other moms tips on making meals and snacks approachable and healthy through a whole food diet.

If Whole 30 sounds intimidating to you, don't worry Kara talks through doable steps and how it can be modified with families in mind. She's realistic about the challenges of a full Whole 30 diet, but offers ways to implement small steps if the idea of eating better sounds appealing. As with all of our guests on The Healthy Way series, Kara gives three easy next steps women can do if they are wanting to have a healthier diet but are overwhelmed at the prospect of changing everything.

From sugar content in yogurt, to a whole foods alternative to flavored coffee creamers, we cover it all. We even talk Diet Coke and deoderant. Whether looking for a food revamp in your new year, or simply wanting some encouragement to make a few small yet significant changes, this episode is perfect. It is a sister-to-sister, we can take this next step together, kind of conversation and we don't want you to miss it.

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