New York Times bestselling author and For The Love podcast host Jen Hatmaker, is a mom to five teens and young adults. For this reason we invited her on to our Hone Your Voice series to speak directly to moms as we help our teens and young adults discover, use, and hone their own voices. Jen's honesty leads us through a rich conversation we are happy to share with you.
With her signature wit, Jen reminds us that much of parenting is loving and letting go. We laugh (and cry real tears) through this episode as we talk about helping our kids step over the threshold of childhood and into adulthood. Jen reminds us that so much of parenting is modeling. We as moms must discover and use our own voices if we want our children to do the same. Here at the sisterhood, we couldn't agree more which is why we are bringing you this series.
So go ahead and push play and get ready to do some honest evaluation as you consider what it means to have a home with honesty, where failure is seen as opportunity for growth, and walking our kids into adulthood is something to be celebrated rather than feared.