"They loved me back to life."
Sarah Thebarge knew what it was to feel alone. So when she met a Somali woman and her five daughters on a commuter train in Portland, OR she found an unexpected kindred sister. The story of their emerging friendship and Sarah's battle with breast cancer draws parallels between different circumstances with a common thread. In our interview with Sarah we hear how this everyday encounter changed everything about Sarah's story.
Now a physician's assistant in San Francisco, Sarah's story takes her through graduate school, across the country, and then across the world to practice medicine in what was deemed "the unhappiest country in the world". The limitations practicing medicine in the developing world made Sarah more comfortable with the dying. Her own journey with breast cancer has helped her understand suffering.
From ordinary connections with our neighbors to how to impact a child's life in the developing world, we are inspired to look beyond our comfort and convenience to live the God-intended life. You will be changed by hearing Sarah's story and we are grateful to have her with the sisterhood. A beautiful conversation about what entering others' grief looks like and how it makes us truly alive.