Sometimes something happens and your life takes an unexpected turn. Candace Payne is a viral sensation whose video of trying on a Chewbacca Mask became the most-viewed Facebook Live video to date (170+ million views). As a result, she has been thrust into the spotlight, featured in more than 3,000 media outlets and has interviewed with major media such as “Good Morning America,” “The Late Late Show with James Corden,” The New York Times, PEOPLE and Cosmopolitan. All because the audience resonated with her unmasked joy that shined through her masked face.
Candace talks with Krista about her life, joy, laughter, overcoming obstacles and motherhood. We hear about Candace's use of humor in the midst of dark circumstances, what overcoming has looked like in her life and how her faith impacts her view of joy. This is a one of a kind conversation with a one of a kind woman that you won't want to miss.
Candace recently launched a video series with TLCme and her first book, Laugh It Up releases in the next few weeks. Candace lives in Texas with her husband, two children, and ornery pug. You won't regret taking a few minutes to learn about the woman behind the mask.
Becky Kiser is a woman who does the next thing in front of her. When she looks back to see the ground she's covered, she's surprised and sometimes overwhelmed. But she focuses back on the next step. Becky is the founder and CEO of Sacred Holidays, she's a certified Myers-Briggs Personal Coach, and a mom to three girls. She is a woman on a mission to keep Scripture in front of other women. Whether a prison, or a Christmas tea, Becky's hope is to keep women filled.
In this episode we talk Myers-Briggs types, what childcare looks like, being open about what makes the spinning plates of life work. From Sacred Holidays to writing projects we break down how Becky takes that next step, does that hard thing, in order to be a world changer for good right were she is. Both insightful and funny, creative and intentional, and a Thinker on the Myers-Briggs personality type, she is uniquely wired to do the work set in front of her. She is a joy to listen to and we are thrilled to have her as part of the sisterhood.
You won't want to miss this interview that is classic Open Door Sisterhood. Part practical and part inspirational, Becky Kiser is a woman we are happy to introduce you.
Freezer cooking is for the person who wants to save money, save time, and save their sanity. Truly! Whether you are a mother of many, a two person family, or living alone, freezer cooking will benefit your life. It is hard to get a healthy, wholesome meal on the table every night of the week. This will help tremendously!
On the show today we talk about why freezer cooking works, what you need to get started, how to form a cooking group, and some helpful freezer cooking tips. I also include some of my all time favorite recipes that are go-to crowd pleasers. We all need those meals that can go straight from the freezer to the oven, soups that can be pulled out for the big game day, or ideas for marinades. I've got you covered on this short and helpful episode!
Melanie Shankle remembers her grandparents and the way they loved her through the small things. There wasn't a parade or lots of fanfare. It was walking down the street in the afternoon for an ice cream. They made regular moments special because they loved her in them. The small things held meaning. In her new book, Church of the Small Things, Melanie considers the everyday elements of significance that make up a simultaneously ordinary and incredible life.
No surprise, we laughed our way through this interview with Melanie Shankle. From grey roots to Chris Tomlin as her college worship leader, to the recent increase in the tooth fairy's payout and overall game, we cover the everyday moments that make up Melanie's life. Her wit and willingness to laugh both at and with her own routines and decisions endear her to us. We are confident you will find a girlfriend, yes a sister, in Melanie Shankle.
For the woman who needs a lift in her day. For the woman who finds herself in a life of small things. For the woman who knows a little lighthearted sisterly talk would do her good, this episode is made for you.
Service is a great antidote for the self centered culture in which we live. Most of us want to help nurture this in our children, and give them a heart for a world, but often we don't know where to begin. How do we start? What do we do? Should we help globally or locally?
Tricia Goyer, author of the new book Walk It Out, joins me on the podcast today to talk about these questions and more. She offers fresh perspective on how to use experiences from our past to help others, why giving away crockpots to teen moms makes a difference, the best story series she reads with her kids to learn about the world, and how her daughter ended up as a missionary in the Czech Republic.
Service has the potential to truly change and transform us in multiple ways. Let's learn from this master teacher together.
It's fall! And for many families that means football. This special episode of The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast features two women with similar stories that surround family and football. In both cases it's about reaching out to a young man, a football player, offering him a safe place to live, and in the process changing their family forever. In fact the details they share may sound eerily like a movie you know. We are calling this our special Blind Side episode.
Jolene's story started with her husband who is a high school football coach in Washington state. As coaches do, he developed a relationship with a player, Roderick. When Jolene's husband learned Roderick was in crisis, homeless with no support system, he invited him to come to their home and live with them. It quickly became evident to Jolene and her husband that Roderick was meant to be part of their family. He is finishing high school this semester headed to Washington State University to study and play football.
Emily's story started in their neighborhood. She joined together with some other moms to care for a young man needing support, Garett Bolles. Each of the moms took a night once a week to offer him dinner and some homework help. Emily's family's relationship with Garett grew and when he became homeless, Garett came to live with them. They got him ready for junior college and then he transferred to the University of Utah to be close to home. Last spring Garett was drafted by the Denver Broncos and is beginning his NFL career as a husband, father and son.
At The Open Door Sisterhood we point women to be world changers right where they are. There is no question these two women are. They looked at a young man within their circle of influence and opened their hearts in ways that felt risky, but they would now say were with immeasurable reward. How does one measure gaining a son? A truly inspiring special episode of the podcast just for you.